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     PV' Best Kept Secret

Residential/Commercial Lease Listings in Palos Verdes

As of 07/26/24
(Click the MLS numbers for details. Please feel free to contact us via email for more details)

We are happy to assist our customers to find a lease in the entire South Bay, or even an apartment for which we usually receive no commission. If you want to see any of these homes, please call the number as indicated below.

Featured Lease Listings
  • Click here to see details
  • Twonhome for lease
    Address: 28637 Vista Madera. RPV.
    Status: Leased, Listed by Rockyfield.
    2 bedroom townhome, Courtyard

  • Click here to see details
  • Address: 28011 Indian Rock Dr. RPV Los Verdes Home for lease
    Status: Leased, Listed by Rockyfield.
    Fully remodeled 4 bedrooms house


e-mail  prop email
Telephone  1-310-544-0857
Fax  1-310-544-0857
Main Office  727 Silver Spur Rd. Suite 205, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274


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